OK. So I'm exaggerating. Again. But, really, this whole experience is evolving day to day, and along with it my aspirations.
I never thought I'd start racing. In fact, I explicitly told my LBS salesman that I was NOT planning to do time trials. Well, what do I know.
Today I raced my first TT. I finished middle of the pack in the beginner women division. 37:50:00 for the 10 mile sprint. Pretty flat, a few meandering hills. My goals for the race were simply to finish without crashing. I did that. I feel good about my finish. I was passed by a few people, and passed a few myself. I monitored my HR and kept an eye on my RPM. I kept my cadence above 90, dropping off gears as needed. I see now where increased work will allow me to work at higher gears without lowering my RPM. My legs were very fatigued the last few miles. More riding should help with that.
Anyhow. Nothing witty to share today. I'm just feeling good to have this first race of the year under my belt.
you make your mommy proud! Stick with it! Middle of the pack is great first race of the season on a new bike!