Monday, July 28, 2008

Jott is a girl

So, in a herculean effort to avoid doing anything too productive, I have been trying out this cool new technology called Jott. Jott is a free tool that lets you make a toll free call from your cell phone (or any phone) and have it automatically translated into text. It's a way cool idea. Today I added an appointment to my google calendar, sent an email, and posted to my blog - all without touching my computer. Pretty sweet.

As you can see in the last post, I need to get better at enunciating my words. Jott isn't the only one who has trouble understanding me. So, I'll work on that and all should be cool. It even allows you to spell out a word if you think the software may stumble on it. Like say, the word Twerp .... as it translated Turp.

Sometimes however, Jott may translate your speach in new and improved ways. For example when I said "Instead of cleaning my house...." Jott interpreted it as "He's gonna clean my house". You gotta love that. Jott is totally a chick.

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