I finally convinced Jamie to take me for a walk today. She's really been slacking in this department as of late. I mean, seriously. All she does is lay around all day and wait for us to fill her food bowl. You'd think she could at least take me down to the creek a few times a week. Dogs these days. Lazy I tell you.
Anyway, we headed up to Glen Alps this morning. Walking down to the Campbell would have been much quicker. But I needed the mountains. I needed the open tundra, and the quiet. I needed to flush the concrete, blaring horns and crowds of New York City from my soul. It was a good trip. A surprisingly good trip actually. I never would have guessed that my mom and sister could ever survive under the same roof for seven days. Babies are miracles. Eliy is a particularly special miracle. Still, I was more than ready to return to the mountains.
So we headed to Glen Alps, in spite of the weather. Let it rain. Bring it on.
What I hadn't considered was that those clouds concealing the Chugach range were going to look much different when we immersed ourselves in them. As we drove up Toilsome Road, I suddenly realized that at times I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of us. Visibility came and went with the wind, but overall, the world had vanished. I considered turning back - and had there been any bear warnings at the trail head, I certainly would have. But the lack of signage, and Jamie's sad eyes were enough to push me onward. I'm so glad that we did.
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